- Eat half a slice of cheese.
- Ride to Piedmont.
- Buy sandwich at grocery store $5.99, 2 skeins of wool @$6.99, ticket to movie $8
- Eat half of sandwich on park bench. That cheese was pungent.
- Devise design of new woolen oven mitt.
- "Crochet shark oven mitt, batik-bleach belly"
- Buy an espresso $2.
- Go to theater way early.
- Text Mary.
- Talk to Mary in lobby, losing bike rearview. Was that limburger?
- Usher comes into theater: "Anybody ride a bike here?" My heart skipped a beat. "Missing a little mirror?"
- "Yeah! That's me. Thank you so much!"
- Watch a bunch of much too loud ads, then Cyrus, which if it was a book, I would have stopped reading at page 100. About a dysfunctional mother/son & John C Riley triangle situation.
- After movie, thank wrong usher.
- Go outside, aak! sunglasses
- Being from Wisconsin makes me a much less macho bicyclist. Ride most of the way home on sidewalk. Ugh. Like squaw.
- Buy quarters at BART $1
- Buy more quarters store $3
- Come home, switch the glasses that I repaired with their nearly identical mates, in attempted gaslighting of the Missus.
- [snickers]
The glasses switcheroo didn't fool her for an instant. DRAT.
I'm not saying that Cyrus was a bad movie. Roger Ebert's review (linked in text of post) seems right to me. It just wasn't the movie for me at that time, if you see what I mean. And I thought the make-up on the actors made them all look waxy. Especially Marisa Tormei.
mmm cheese
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