At the Phlebotomist

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Today's video is dedicated to my friend Askme, who hates needles and could use some cheering up. Hey, at least it wasn't you getting stuck today!
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Today's video is dedicated to my friend Askme, who hates needles and could use some cheering up. Hey, at least it wasn't you getting stuck today!
My friend Mr X has a one hour movie on an external hard drive on his iMac that he wants me to work on. We've been trying for over a week to get the file from his computer to mine. We keep on trying things that don't work.
Next, we're gonna put all the bits in a gunny sack, tie it to a badger, and give it a swift kick in the soft underbelly.
Yeah. That'll work.
A brief review of The Overcoat at ACT in San Francisco. We went to the preview last night; it opens some time in the coming week.
The play is based on a short story by Nikolai Gogol. It is wordless, presented in dance, to music by Dimitri Shostakovich. Sounds dreadful, nyet?
Nyet! Ochein horosho! The sets and the lighting were great. The dancing was energetic, no more narrative than it needed to be, and not at all prissy or humorless. The fact that there was no speaking was extra-great. This show had a lot of heart.
Here's what I thought:
Two big thumbs up, people! Imaginative & entertaining.
My video camera has been having tape-transport problems, and as I can't seem to get a straight answer out of Canon about how to go about returning it to them for repairs, I've had to resort to finding somebody local to tackle the job. I spent all day yesterday in Berkeley, trying to attain access to the repair guy at a small electronics shop so that I could sort out the problem with him.
This never happened, so I've got to go back to Berkeley today. To bring them the tape that they made me take away from the shop on Thursday, when I first brought the camera in. Feh.
While I was hanging out yesterday, I met Peter for lunch, I went to the museum for a while, I hung out on campus, and sat in a cafe, reading THE Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again). Great book. It was out of print for a long time, but Harcourt just republished it.
In it, Andy talks about his tape recorder. "Nothing was ever a problem again, because a problem just meant a good tape, and when a problem transforms itself into a good tape it's not a problem any more."
Well, I'm no Andy Warhol, so today's tape isn't all that great. Also, Andy never talked about what happens when the problem is a problem with the tape recorder.
The skin on the top of the right half of my head has been sore & tender for the last week. I don't know what it is; I don't know why. Since it's on the top of my head, I don't know what it looks like, either, so last night I snapped a photo of it so that I could get a look.
Well, you know how it goes. You upload the day's shots from your camera, and their thumbnails are displayed alongside all the other photos that you've taken this month, right? So at that scale, my bald shiny pate looked really similar to some of the photos of Dan's lamps from the DeYoung shoot. Hmmpff.
They're still going strong with the patio demolition. This morning, I had to get away. I escaped to my local coffee house, and was delighted to find a comfy sofa, a huge double espresso, and an unnamed trio playing some laidback jazz.
Right there, 9:30 in the AM.
Very cool.
Jahva House1428 Alice St.
Oakland, CA
(510) 836-5282
Peaceout, you anonymous jazz guys!
...and a tip of the hat to Negativland. Christianity is stupid. Communisim is good!
They're doing an upgrade to the common patio space right outside my window at our apartment complex. Today, demolition of the extant concrete floor of the space began. Those guys are really doing hard work. Esos individuos realmente están haciendo el trabajo duro.
It's very loud.
Es muy ruidoso.
Some new street art showed up in Oakland the other day. I went back to the site today, took some photos of new parts of the piece. Then, later, returned to find the artist there.
This video is a short interview with the artist, Philip Geddes, and I hope I've spelled that right.
I can't figure out who this represents. The cutaway and big mustache suggest, who? Johann Strauss? The face reminds me of Steve Zahn. Any ideas out there?
Just ran across this piece this morning. It looked like it had been installed very recently. Construction looks like thinset mortar over an ad-hoc armature.
It's located where 22nd St meets Franklin -- right near Broadway. This puts it fairly close to 21 Grand & Mamabuzz; it wouldn't surprise me if somebody in that circle had a hand in this piece. Probably not Justin Artifice, though. It just doesn't look like their work to me. Less polished and aggressively social commentaryish.
The figure is pointing nearly due West, toward Broadway.
Cathy & I attended the first class meeting of Art 103; French Revolution to 1945 last night. I hope we get a bigger classroom next week.
Our National Passtime. This file might be illegal. Oops.
My little French niece, Djeneba, has just gotten into riding ponies in a big way. I don't think they have cowgirls in France, but we sure got 'em here in California, so today Mary & I went out to the Fruitvale neighborhood for a cowgirl hat.
This is a short video that I made to send along with the hat, along with a copy of an Annie Oakley animation that I got out of the library.
Yippie ti-yi-yay-yippie-yo.
I'm doing a short documentary of my friend Dan the Glassblower, and his project making the lamps for the cafe at the new DeYoung Museum in San Francisco, Golden Gate Park. The other day, Dan & I went out to the site to shoot the installed lamps--it was a beautiful, foggy, Golden Gate Park dusk and evening, and the lamps looked great.
Here's a rough cut of the onsite segment of the video. It has problems, especially with the audio, of which there's too much braying Bruce in there, and not enough input from shy retiring softspoken Dannnyboy. We'll work it out. Open to suggestions.
Video Letter. To Danny. He's in New Zealand, working with the Maori & access to broadcast television. I thought he should know about vlogging, so I sent him this.
From the footage on the Medical Marijuana project. See a brief video here:>
Man, this stuff is exhausting. Here's what I did yesterday.
Still from the new piece on my video blog, heh heh. It's called Anarchism Rock, and it's really just a screen test for the new mask.
Phat antiglobalism beats, boy-eee! Click here to experience the experience. If you dare.
I finished work on the Anarchist Bomb Mask yesterday. Here, Mary models it, utilising her deranged robot posture to accentuate the mask's alienating principle.
It's hard on Pearl when Mary's out checking the laundry in the dryer.
Another one of those 'Who do you think you're pointing that lens at?' photos.
The picture on the wall, by the way, is a photo that Eli took at his jobsite.
Eli works stone.
A lighthearted look at rampant catastrophic ulcerating consumerism.
From about a year ago. Just seeing if I can figure out how to get the video to play via the blog. Bear with me for a moment...
How about this? Click here to see Quicktime, here for mp4
All hail
At Moose's in San Francisco. With Cathy, Andrea, Gayle, Tom, Tara & David
Photo by David Etayo
Yesterday was Mary's birthday. We took BART to Fruitvale, and then rode across the Tilden drawbridge to Alameda.
We rode & rode & rode. Had a nice lunch at the Pasta Pelican's Rusty Scupper's Fo'c'sle's Poopdeck's Keelhauler's Matey's Galley.
What a lovely day.
Long long ago, I used to carry my pot in a 35mm film cannister.
Now I sometimes find myself slipping a beta-blocker into the case for my camera's memory cards.