brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Gravity-defying levitating superconductor on a magnetic Möbius strip
Does anybody else see a cartoon dog face drifting into the logo at around 0:05?
Just, you know, wondering…
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Hey, #NSA, I just took another picture by mistake.
Gosh darn this new cellphone anyway.
Oh, and by the way, we've got a new #PhoneSystem at work starting today. All of a sudden, we don't have to dial 9 to get out. Well, I've been dialing 9 for an outside line for about 8 years now, so when I called Mary today, I [STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!] dialed 9 and then her number. Now my phone thinks I'm trying to call #Afghanistan. Dialing code: 93.
I would like to state, for the record, that this was a mistake. I don’t know anybody in Afghanistan, I have no reason to call there....I’ve said too much. Oh my God*, I hope I haven’t said too much.
Last night, there was a #DRONE hovering outside my window, with the single glowing red eye, the hunched shoulders, a sudden silencing of all ambient sound and everything. No visible #GUN #TURRETS on this model, thank goodness!
*I refer here, of course, to the Judeo-Christian God. I do not invoke Allah. What? I should?...Oh, right. On advice of counsel, I hereby assert my Fifth Amendment right to dummy up.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Distressed TP

No. 7 in a series of 12.
Installation, with live television feed.
By Freddie Mercury.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Compare & Contrast These Maps of...
100 Acre Wood with
Shepard & Aylett. Virtually indistinguishable, if you ask me.
Note identity of
- Christopher Robin’s house with Barney Juno’s digs at Ladderland
- Nice for Piknicks & Kanga’s house with Flyover Stump/Sloths
- 100 Aker Wood with Right Here is a Big Butternut Tree
- Rabbit’s House with Shop of a Thousand Spiders
- Floody Place/Rather Boggy and Sad with Baffling Ocean
- Eeyore (in the Swamp of Eternal Enmity/Degradation) might or might not stand in for Announcement Horse
- Pooh lives in the Scardummy Garden?
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Ask a Physicist: Higgs, Mass and Time
Hi Dr Goldberg
In 2001, when LBNL announced the Sudbury findings about solar neutrino oscillation, I went to their press conference. Learned a lot, but there's one thing in particular that I don't understand.
The gist, as I understood it, of the SNO observations, was that a certain flavor of solar neutrino shows up more abundantly here on earth than it should, considering the relative abundance that are produced by the sun. The explanation for this is that during the transit from their creation, out of the sun and to the detector on earth, the neutrinos 'oscillate' flavors, changing from electron-neutrinos to muon-neutrinos or suchlike. One of the takeaways of this discovery was that neutrinos, since they can change over time, must have mass, as massless particles travel at c and therefore don't experience time, so would be unable to change over time.
So it seems to me that while massless particles are doomed to travel at the speed of light and never experience change, we massive entities (I am anything but massless) can exist in, and experience time. As our interactions with the Higgs field are what imbue us with mass, it must be what allows us to be at rest, or at any speed other than c, and to experience change, right?
Is this a reasonable way of looking at things, and if so, why isn't it being talked about? I've had a google alert set for "Higgs Mass Time" for years, and it seems lime nobody is talking about this aspect of the universe. So, nu?
Bruce Bortin
Hi Bruce,
That's an interesting approach, and there's a lot of truth to what you say. Time and Energy are intimately related in physics (as are space and momentum or angle and angular momentum), so there's definitely a strong connection between the Higgs (which induces a self-interaction energy in particles) and time.
However, there's a temptation to take an analogy too far. The Higgs gives mass to certain particles for sure: the W and Z Bosons. Others, like electrons and quarks, probably get their masses from the Higgs but we're not sure how. Neutrinos may get their mass from an entirely different mechanism entirely.
But what about you? Well, the quarks in your body get their mass from the Higgs (probably), but the mass of protons are about 50 times higher than the masses of their constituent quarks. In other words, the vast majority of your mass doesn't come from Higgs. It comes from interaction energies involved in the strong nuclear force. By extension, most of your mass doesn't come from the Higgs, either.
Just a warning to not take an analogy too far.
Thanks so much for the illumination, Dr G. I really appreciate your taking the time. I am SO pre-ordering The Universe in the Rearview Mirror today!
Bruce Bortin
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Friday, June 07, 2013
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Monday, June 03, 2013
It’s That Time of Year Again
“Dear Bruce H Bortin:
“I see that it’s time for your yearly colorectal cancer screening…..”
Okay, a couple things:
- I love the body language of the person in the photo. Fingertips only with a ‘here, you take it!’ presentation.
- Also, big ups to whoever greenlit the decision to print the specimen ID label on coated paper that your info will always smudge on. Way to go, design team.
Sunday, June 02, 2013
Porous Timescape
Is future-leakage becoming a thing? ...
I've got a feeling that this might be a thing...
My Blog List
101 projects: Belly of the Beast - You cant fight/write your way out of the belly of the beast with sharp language and strong leadership–it takes a cacophony: different voices speakin in ton...5 years ago
Where Does Technology Belong and Where Does It Not? - Katya and dog, outdoors, playing. Recently I began nannying for an eight-year old girl named Katya. She and I spend HOURS playing “make believe”, dinners...11 years ago
On Adopting - People often ask me whether it wasn’t hard adopting in France at the age of 50. No, I reply. It was much easier than waiting 30 years for a man to agree to...9 years ago
Bar rôti, tian pommes de terre-fenouil - Sea bass and finocchio marry well. In this combo from Provence, fillets of roasted sea bass are served with a tian of potatoes, finocchio, garlic and fresh...2 hours ago
Day 8 - Kendal to Carlisle - We started the day standing at a bus stop just north of Kendal and two slightly older women joined us to catch the 555 to Keswick. Then suddenly, and in a ...15 years ago
Blog Archive
- Quiet Pool
- Gravity-defying levitating superconductor on a mag...
- Hey, #NSA, I just took another picture by mistake.
- Telephone Phone Icon
- Elevator Sign
- 2 Watercolors
- Newly Lined Helmet
- Distressed TP
- Waiting for Linder
- Video of Pens Holding Perfectly Still
- Compare & Contrast These Maps of...
- Take this pill and call me in the morning
- Rigid
- Heres a pic posted by email?
- Ask a Physicist: Higgs, Mass and Time
- TMBG @ Warfield
- Planetary Observations
- More Lunchtime Selfies
- Sassy’s Dogtag
- It’s That Time of Year Again
- Porous Timescape
- How beautiful is our deck this spring?