If all of you with a blog could do me a favour today, if
if you feel so moved:
Post a link to http://www.freakangels.com ? Just to remind people we're still here and still pumping out free comics episodes once a week.
Memories get short on the old intarwubs.
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Friday, May 30, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Cephalopod Production Shot
Jig for holding the workpiece for eyeball attachment. Googly eyes with clear silicone adhesive.
Taco Truck Condiments
Pickled carrots, jalapenos & onions in plastic wrap. The container's shape looks just like a transparent tomato.
Cephalopod Eyes
Rig for holding googly eyes for eyelid painting. Scotch tape sticky-side-up on a ruler. The paint is white-out correction fluid.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Chairman Pearl
"People of Earth! Rise up! And fall to your knees...The King of Mars walks like a Kitty among us."
Quoting *Spot 1019*, "Peter Tripodi"
Signed "Little Brother"
Cory signed this edition that I bought for John for his birthday. John's moving to London, and he wants to write a book for kids, and he's all about personal freedom and empowering the disenfranchised, so I hope that "Little Brother" will be inspirational for him.
Cory signed the Mobipocket version of the book that's on my phone.
I had him sign the page about how the terrorists blew up the BART tunnel under the bay, which I was reading on my way to work, on BART, under the bay. LARP that.
Things that I forgot to mention to Cory:
Since reading this book, I've made microwave grape plasma, and installed Python 2.5.2 on my 'puter.
Cory Doctorow at Cody's
Cory Doctorow at Cody's
Originally uploaded by dumbeast
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Some Call me Bwana
I'm on a safari,
SSI Safari!
I'm here at the clinic,
in my Manalo Blinics,
SSI Safarai!
Photo by MeganM
Laura's Jade Plant
This plant sits on Laura's desk, directly between her and me. We want to chart its growth, because we suspect that we're fertilizing it with the constant stream of bullshit that we subject it to at work every day.
The Gang on the Fire Escape
Watching the May Day Open Source Citizenship Parade.
Photo by "J.V. John"
Monday, May 12, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Domestic Surveillance
Pointing in our general direction from our neighbor's window across the courtyard.
Re-fractalated Cauliflower
At the Civic Center farmers market. These things, something's not right. They've over-divided. It's like the program forgot to stop running and did two or three extra iterations.
My Blog List
101 projects: Belly of the Beast - You cant fight/write your way out of the belly of the beast with sharp language and strong leadership–it takes a cacophony: different voices speakin in ton...5 years ago
Where Does Technology Belong and Where Does It Not? - Katya and dog, outdoors, playing. Recently I began nannying for an eight-year old girl named Katya. She and I spend HOURS playing “make believe”, dinners...11 years ago
On Adopting - People often ask me whether it wasn’t hard adopting in France at the age of 50. No, I reply. It was much easier than waiting 30 years for a man to agree to...9 years ago
Velouté de champignons - Let’s see off the winter with a bowl of creamy mushroom soup, a classic French recipe lightened in this version by using a mixture of cream and milk instea...1 week ago
Day 8 - Kendal to Carlisle - We started the day standing at a bus stop just north of Kendal and two slightly older women joined us to catch the 555 to Keswick. Then suddenly, and in a ...15 years ago
Blog Archive
- FreakAngels
- Cephalopod
- Cephalopod
- Cephalopod
- Cephalopod
- Buddhist Scum T-shirt
- Cephalopod Production Shot
- Taco Truck Condiments
- We're Going to Calistoga Soon
- Cephalopod Eyes
- Chairman Pearl
- Signed "Little Brother"
- Cory Doctorow at Cody's
- Lite Brite Pearl
- Small Scale Sculpture
- Johnny Carcinogen
- Some Call me Bwana
- Laura's Jade Plant
- Minimum Contest:
- Answer to Contest Question:
- Process Shot
- The Gang on the Fire Escape
- Recipes
- Invertibrate
- Tree
- Spider
- Security
- Domestic Surveillance
- Dragon Crew
- Dragon Crew
- St Cesar Icon
- Re-fractalated Cauliflower
- Doggie & Hedgehog
- Doggie
- Doggie
- Doggie
- Doggie
- Annie
- Penny & Dave
- Annie
- Penny & Dave
- Lilah
- Avi
- Avi
- Lilah
- Skate Park Model
- Our Space Station Display
- Our Space Station
- Hedgehog
- Hedgehog
- Hedgehog