Apparently there's been some nepotism, some corruption, a coverup.
Chalked(!) in front of the Main Post Office, Oakland.
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Apparently there's been some nepotism, some corruption, a coverup.
Chalked(!) in front of the Main Post Office, Oakland.
Anselm Kiefer & Julian Schnabel.
Sitting in a tree?
Support your answers in terms of formal qualities, social/historical context, themes explored. How do they differ; how are they similar?
...Here's Mary demonstrating proper data-entry technique in the new PSION MX5!
The PSION MX5! Light as a feather, and it fits right in your pocket. If you don't mind sitting on the poinky spiral binding.
Quiet little pub in Greenwich Village where Mary humiliated me using gin rummy.
At the airport in Oakland on our way to New Canaan. Shortly before shooting this photo, my beloved Psion turned up DOA. Such a bummer.
Makes a nice pile of (approximately) 20mg chunks of cholesterol-fightin' alkaloid when you're done, though. I feel like I've accomplished something today.
I've got a nagging suspicion that what I accomplished was buggerall.
However. Without actually having told Kaiser (well, I did tell my doctor, but he can't be expected to listen to every thing that I say) I've been halving my dosage of Lipitor for the past 10 years or so. Back before they decided to send us megapills, it was easy enough to break the 40's in half along the score.
Now, I gotta use their god damned toy machine to dissect the bisected pills.
The little guillotine they sent me does a pretty good job of splitting those 80mg pills down to a coupla 40's. Plus or minus. You know.
Kaiser sent me my last batch of Lipitor at double my prescribed dosage, and along with it, they sent, free of charge, my own pill splitter. The enclosed info sheet explained that Lipitor is an expensive drug, and they get a better deal on a few high-dosage pills than on a lot of lower (correct) dosage pills.
So if it's not too much trouble, Bruce, couldja just, you know, chop 'em in half and control your dosage that way? Uh-huh.Yeah. Great....That'd be super!
The cross shaped fossil that the plunger leaves in the grounds in our nearly-adequate coffee maker.
These were scattered in a puddle of clear fluid in a dark corner of the Powell Street BART platform when I got out of class on Monday night.
I don't know what they're about. I have no idea what it is the kids are doing with compressed gas nowadays. But this I tell you, my friend:
I can recognize thne refuse of debauchery when I see it. I know depravity when it's staring me in the face, and this little scene was dripping with it.
Do you see what's going on here?
Somebody tagged this wall. Somebody else eradicated the tag with anti-graffiti paint, and a third party used the shape of the erasure as the basis for a new piece.
Sweet, no?
Towel dispenser, mensroom, bar on Piedmont Ave next to the $6.95 Indian Buffet
Shopped for components yesterday, assembled the rig today. I'll take it out for a test drive this afternoon.
Thank you, Make Magazine, Derek Beck & Johnny Chung Lee!
The elevators at the downtown campus of City College SF are brutally stark. And they hum.