brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

New Sofa with Ray

New Sofa with Ray, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Peter E.V. Allen brought his truck over, and we picked up this BRAND! NEW! COUCH! at Cost Plus. Thanks for the help, Peter!

That's Ray there, regarding the changes to his kingdom.

Mary said: "He's shaped just like a

blue hubbard squash."

I can see her point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yah, Ray is wondering how he's supposed to sharpen his claws on a LEATHER couch! It's like scratching a cow.


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