brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Grand Opening

Grand Opening, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

The Silver View Supermarket opened today in the building that Goodluck used to occupy. It's so pretty in there. It's like an art installation of a Chinese Supermarket opening.

They don't have their business business down yet. Checkout was like an exercise in faith....Nothing got weighed, just, eyeballed and rung up. And paying with plastic was a big problem unless you were buying $20 or more groceries, so I had to schlep to an ATM four blocks away for cash and then come back to the store. Then making change almost destroyed the transaction. Couldn't make the conceptual leap required to recognize that two nickles are equivalent to one dime.

I'm going back tomorrow!

1 comment:

Kat Rahmat said...

I like your blog.
It's interesting.

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