Looks like one of those War of the Worlds Martians, innit?
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Friday, July 26, 2013
When we Notice the Lights Coming on vs Sunset
Mary got us some solar-powered lights for the deck. They have a sensor which turns them on when it starts getting dark. This is related to when the sun sets, but is also affected by atmospheric conditions—overcast skies will cause it to get dark enough to trigger the lights earlier than on a clear evening. An additional layer of variability is added because we don’t always notice exactly when the lights come on.
The blue line shows official sunset time in Oakland. The plateau at the top of the curve was midsummer. The red line records when we notice that the lights have come on.
Thanks to MJF & Jim for assistance with data collection.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Sunday, July 07, 2013
My Blog List
101 projects: Belly of the Beast - You cant fight/write your way out of the belly of the beast with sharp language and strong leadership–it takes a cacophony: different voices speakin in ton...5 years ago
Where Does Technology Belong and Where Does It Not? - Katya and dog, outdoors, playing. Recently I began nannying for an eight-year old girl named Katya. She and I spend HOURS playing “make believe”, dinners...11 years ago
On Adopting - People often ask me whether it wasn’t hard adopting in France at the age of 50. No, I reply. It was much easier than waiting 30 years for a man to agree to...9 years ago
Bar rôti, tian pommes de terre-fenouil - Sea bass and finocchio marry well. In this combo from Provence, fillets of roasted sea bass are served with a tian of potatoes, finocchio, garlic and fresh...7 hours ago
Day 8 - Kendal to Carlisle - We started the day standing at a bus stop just north of Kendal and two slightly older women joined us to catch the 555 to Keswick. Then suddenly, and in a ...15 years ago