Yes or No: Jesse Thorn = Barry Gordy
Spotted at Rasputin Records, SF CA
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Methadone Survey
It was occurring to Doc now, as he recalled what Jason Velveeta had said about vertical integration, that if the Golden Fang could get its customers strung out, why not turn around and also sell them a program to help them kick? Get them coming and going, twice as much revenue and no worries about new customers--as long as American life was something to be escaped from, the cartel could always be sure of a bottomless pool of new customers.Thomas Pynchon Inherent Vice p 192
Postcard from Rafael
"As one who's been down that particular exit ramp," Hope advised, "you can only cruise the boulevards of regret so far, and then you've got to get back up on the freeway again."Thomas Pynchon Inherent Vice p 40
Monday, September 21, 2009
The name of G-d, in Hebrew, backwards, to be printed forward, on the tongue, to activate....Oy, have I got a headache. Art by Lynne-Rachel Altman.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
STOP SNITCHIN'! Tha means you, Roz! Bad 4 health
In the men's room at the methadone clinic.
I'm impressed by the flawless punctuation.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
Frisky Hummingbird
Frisky Hummingbird
Originally uploaded by dumbeast
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Jonathan Richman Onstage
at the Bird & Beckett Bash, SF CA.
Funny story. Last weekend, Jonathan Richman was doing this gig for Bird & Beckett Books, a benefit for an independent bookstore. Mary and Cathy found out about it and Cathy got tickets. Always loved Jonathan Richman, ever since I first heard The Modern Lovers' "Roadrunner". So that morning, when I read a Jonathan Richman name-check in this book,
it made me really happy.
Howard Waldrop is new to me--sort of a proto-bizarro SF guy. I'd never read anything of his before, and there on page 22, in the story "The Ugly Chickens" he wrote:
Who cares? the whole thing will be just another media event, just this year's Big Deal. It'll be nice getting normal again. I can read books, see movies, wash my clothes in the laundromat, listen to Jonathan Richman on the stereo. I can study and become an authority on some minor matter or other.As it was my current book, I brought it along to read on the commute to Glen Park, where the benefit was being held.
I can go to museums and see all the wonderful dead things there.
The benefit was mostly a jazz event, and that's what just about everybody was there for. Nobody I spoke to there even knew who Jonathan Richman was.
They were all there to hear Ebenezra Saxblaat and his Geriatric 9 or whatever. Jonathan's set was to be shoe-horned into the headliners' intermission.
"Hi, Mr Richman, so glad to see you here. Huge fan. How you doing?"
He was visibly uncomfortable. "Uh, alright, I guess."
"Listen, do you mind if I take a few moments of your time? I was just reading this book this morning, and you were mentioned in it, see, I underlined your name here, and I was wondering if I could get you to sign it right near there..."
"What? What is this book? You want....what does it say?"
I read him the passage, and showed him the cover. "It's kind of weird sci-fi, this story's about the last of the dodos, look, Janis Ian did a blurb on the back, see, she likes him..."
Jonathan took my pen. "Alright." Began to write on the facing page, then paused. "What's your name?"
" Well, my name's Bruce, but that doesn't really matter. It's a library book. I'll return it, and it'll be like, value added for anybody who checks it out, and..."
"A what? You....A library b--? Nuh, no. No I c--"

He handed the pen back to me.
"Alright. Well, thanks anyway. Have a great set. Really looking forward to it. And thanks again."
He did a great set. His encounter with a crazed, library book defacing fanboy didn't seem to faze him one bit. And maybe some day he'll write a song about it.
*horrified, appaled, mortified
My Blog List
101 projects: Belly of the Beast - You cant fight/write your way out of the belly of the beast with sharp language and strong leadership–it takes a cacophony: different voices speakin in ton...5 years ago
Where Does Technology Belong and Where Does It Not? - Katya and dog, outdoors, playing. Recently I began nannying for an eight-year old girl named Katya. She and I spend HOURS playing “make believe”, dinners...11 years ago
On Adopting - People often ask me whether it wasn’t hard adopting in France at the age of 50. No, I reply. It was much easier than waiting 30 years for a man to agree to...9 years ago
Bar rôti, tian pommes de terre-fenouil - Sea bass and finocchio marry well. In this combo from Provence, fillets of roasted sea bass are served with a tian of potatoes, finocchio, garlic and fresh...2 hours ago
Day 8 - Kendal to Carlisle - We started the day standing at a bus stop just north of Kendal and two slightly older women joined us to catch the 555 to Keswick. Then suddenly, and in a ...15 years ago
Blog Archive
- The Sound of Young America
- Next Glasses Frames
- College Friends
- Methadone Survey
- Postcard from Rafael
- notammargarteT
- Sky
- Fly
- Talk Like a Jewish Pirate
- Graphic 3 (detail)
- Scoldy
- Fire at 15th & Webster
- STOP SNITCHIN'! Tha means you, Roz! Bad 4 health
- Chicken Salad from Trader Joe's
- Frisky Hummingbird
- Pool at Red Dog
- Jack
- Jack at Red Dog Up and Over
- Upsie-Daisy Jack
- Plumbing Jack
- Jack at Red Dog Procession
- Sky
- Tom Makes a Point
- Dusty William
- Sunset 02
- Range
- Moon & Clouds
- Mule Deer
- Drawing of Chalk Drawing
- Chalk Drawing
- Fencepost
- Jonathan Richman Onstage
- Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens