Kambakkht Ishq
...followed by a joyride throughout the greater East Bay with Megan & Anh-Thu.
Why didn't Sly Stallone end up with Denise Richards, already?
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Sighted in Oakland. What, in this economy, is the San Francisco Department of Public Health doing with a plug-in Prius? What's it doing at 8:50 in the a.m. at the corner of 17th and Franklin in Oaksterdam?
Mairi McKeever of VLSP interviews Homeless Advocacy Project client Shawn O. about the service he received at HAP, helping him to get SSI benefits, get off the street, and begin to put his life together.
The TV said something about Michael Jackson's continuing death investigation, but Mary heard: "death-infested nation".
Hey, phthalo green with some black and a little bit of some other green. Because, uncut phthalo green? Ick!
Master printmaker Anne Olson cleans the rosin from the etched plate with mineral spirits.
In Noe Valley, after recording Judy's awesome reading of the intro & outro for the first VLSP podcast.
TV: "They say that when a red hawk crosses the sky, it signals a great bla bla bla..."
BB: Y'see, the purpose of this ad is to keep people like me from going to this casino.
MF: They don't need to do anything to keep you from going to their casino.
BB: Yeah. That's it. It's to show the people who want to go there that, when they're there, they won't have to worry about people like me being there. Bumming their trip.