For Ann Pereles & Mary Jane Foran
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Monday, September 22, 2008
Dennis & Dave renew their vows
That's Mary re-officiating. What you can't see in this photo is Mary's broken toe. She is the Curt Schilling of the Universal Life Clergy.
Hibiscus Pistil
At Dennis & Dave's reception. This might have been the gayest thing there, which is saying something. That's Mary in the background. She did such a good job at the ceremony!
Celestial Bank-Shot
So the light travels from the surface of the sun (behind building on left) 93 million miles to the shiny building on the right, bounces off that onto the building on the left, then bounces off that through the camera's lenses and onto the CCD. Then it gets processed and sent to flickr, where it ends up on your screen. The light goes from the screen into your eye, and after more processing finds its way to your brain. The end.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hung Up On by a Shrink
9/17 Lm for Dr Davis. Please call.
Heard back from Dr Davis. She might have gotten the release I sent. Hasn't seen cl in a while. Says that she sent info to SSA. Will not send records to me.
"Well, you saw him a year ago, did you come up with a diagnosis?"___________________________
Thanks, Doctor.
Revolutionary desk hardware hybrid! Clip-cup ® is attached to stapler with magnets, which also hold onto paper clips. It's so simple!1!1!! I don't know why nobody ever thought of this before.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Coalition on Homelessness Art Auction
Susie, JT, Julie, Katie
Way to go, JT! Excellent event. I hope y'all made pots of money.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Emergency Field Crochet Kit
Left home with a bag of yarn but no crochet hook today. Luckily, I work in an office, so there was a pencil that I could requisition and whittle into a makeshift hook during Case Conference. Was then able to proceed with manufacture of Convict Hand Puppet for Prison/Induxstrial-Complex Puppet Theater.
I think that my dad was able to perform an emergency tracheotomy using a razorblade and a ball-point pen. Really amounts to pretty much the same thing, nu?
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Army Guys
...keep cropping up around my desk...
megan: btw i turned your rainbow photo copy of soldiers into a wedding card for Cindy and Kathy
me: aww, yer just a romantic at heart, aintcha
megan: they didnt quite know what to make of it, which i found hilarious.
me: pathetic pair-bonded codependent rubes. they'll never get it.
Yiddish LHC Warning
My Yiddish-English calendar's thought for the day seems presciently on-point for the day before the LHC at CERN goes online.. Hope to see y'all tomorrow...
Monday, September 08, 2008
Do you like bats? I do. This bat's for Mary.
People will tell you, "Oh, you needn't be afraid of bats--they're more afraid of you than you are of them." Well, that's bullshit! This one's not afraid of you or the cats. This bat wants to make a high-pitched squeeky-noise and get all tangled up in you hair. And give you rabies, which the only way they can treat it is to cut off your head! So you'd best look out for bats, if you know what's good for you.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Yesterday was all burny in the hot oil sloshing out of the skillet sense. I'd like to thank Mary for always keeping aloe in the fridge, and Cathy for stocking our freezer with frozen strawberries and rhubarb. Quite therapeutic.
Good lentils through adversity, though.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Process shot of the back of the batwings. Paper coated with acrylic gel in preparation for a collaged layer of iridescent charcoal grey acetate fabric. For anatomy & proportions, I'm using this fine photograph. Nice shot, Isadore Berg!
On the other side of the paper, I've constructed a skeletal wing structure of almond colored silicone sealant.
My Blog List
101 projects: Belly of the Beast - You cant fight/write your way out of the belly of the beast with sharp language and strong leadership–it takes a cacophony: different voices speakin in ton...5 years ago
Where Does Technology Belong and Where Does It Not? - Katya and dog, outdoors, playing. Recently I began nannying for an eight-year old girl named Katya. She and I spend HOURS playing “make believe”, dinners...11 years ago
On Adopting - People often ask me whether it wasn’t hard adopting in France at the age of 50. No, I reply. It was much easier than waiting 30 years for a man to agree to...9 years ago
Moudardara - This deeply flavorful, earthy dish of rice, lentils, caramelized onions and spices can be found at Lebanese market stalls and restaurants in Paris and is e...2 weeks ago
Day 8 - Kendal to Carlisle - We started the day standing at a bus stop just north of Kendal and two slightly older women joined us to catch the 555 to Keswick. Then suddenly, and in a ...15 years ago
Blog Archive
- Penguins
- Dennis & Dave
- Dennis & Dave renew their vows
- Hibiscus Pistil
- Philodendron
- Paint Swatch
- Celestial Bank-Shot
- Leave a Name or Leave the Game
- Masked Door
- Doorknob & Latch
- Al Green Blue Car cropped
- Hung Up On by a Shrink
- Stapler-Clip!
- Penguins
- New Paint Job in Bedroom
- Bat in Grotto
- Thanks, Vodka
- Coalition on Homelessness Art Auction
- Coalition on Homelessness Art Auction
- Emergency Field Crochet Kit
- Army Guys
- Yiddish LHC Warning
- Bat
- Intake P 3
- Intake P 2
- Intake P 1
- Prison Reform Puppet
- Waffle's!
- BAART Folder
- Bat
- Foran & Hurlburt
- Farbrennt
- Caduceus
- Bat
- Penguin
- IS
- Trampoline