brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mural Pano 2

Mural Pano 2, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

An ongoing dialog between graffiti artists and, what, property managers who inherited Philip Guston's unused palette?

Harrison at 14th St, Oakland

Mural Pano 1

Mural Pano 1, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

An ongoing dialog between graffiti artists and, what, property managers who inherited Philip Guston's unused palette?

Tortas Los Piculos Menu

Tortas Los Picudos Menu, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Tortas Los Piculos Menu

Queso de Puerco

Head Cheese

Pavo Ahumado

Smoked Turkey


Smoked Pork Ham


Roast Beef


Sausage (hot dog)



Torta ahogada

Wet Torta



Pierna Descherada

Shredded Pork



Deep Fried Pork


Chorizo con Huevos


Ham & Pineapple

Pollo Milanesa

Breaded Chicken

Res Milanesa

Breaded Beef


Beef, Sausage, Ham &
Smoked Pork Ham

Jamon, Huevo y Chorizo


Two Choices of Meat

2969 24th St
415 824 4199

Happy Birthday Martha

Happy Birthday Martha, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Bruce, Teresa & Katie

Birthday Card for Martha

Birthday Card for Martha, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Standing, L to R: Julie, Teresa, Katie, Rachel L., Ramona & Tuan
Kneeling: Meghan F. & Ted

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lila & JT

Starring Lila the dog, Bruce's hand, Ramona's hand, & the disembodied voice of JT. I'd like to propose a new by-law: No minyan for case conference without a sweet little dog present, okay?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Lila at HAP

Lila at HAP, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Rachel K brought her four-year-old dachsund Lila in today. She (Lila) has soft soft ears, a long snout and a furry belly. Wouldn't bring me a badger, though.


PLEASE THROW UP IN TRASH, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Thank you.

Guest Mensroom at the methadone clinic.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bare Tree at Dusk

Bare Tree at Dusk, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Bare Tree at Dusk

Bare Tree at Dusk, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

BAART Training

BAART Training, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

BAART Training

Baart Turk St Jan 24, 2008. That's Dr Martin in the foreground. I don't know where Dr Bradley is.


AWOL, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

9th St, SF Over what used to be here:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dead Way

Dead Way, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Bad way?

Color Study

Color Study, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Cable Strain Relief

Cable Strain Relief, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

New earbuds. My last pair failed at the joint between the cord & the plug. This pair (thanks, Mary!), I've tried to protect that junction with the spring from a ball-point pen.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Yellow Horsie

Yellow Horsie, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Yellow Horsie

Yellow Horsie, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Yellow Horsie

Yellow Horsie, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Yellow Horsie

Yellow Horsie, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Yellow Horsie

Yellow Horsie, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Yellow Horsie

Yellow Horsie, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Yellow Horsie

Yellow Horsie, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Little Yellow Critter

Little Yellow Critter, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

In production. Lovely Italian yarn.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Birdie Time

Dusk is getting earlier. I caught these starlings flocking outside SFPL Friday evening.


Crud, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

24th St, Mission

La Reyna

La Reyna, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

3114 24th St
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 647-6502


US US, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

#211469 #211409 12' x 25'


TV, originally uploaded by dumbeast.


Taqueria Vallarta
3033 24th St
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 826-8116

Tortas Los Piculos

Tortas Los Piculos, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Las mejores de San Francisco
2969 24th St
415 824 4199

BAART Training

BAART Training, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Market St 1/17/08

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

These Specimens Keep Cropping Up This Week...

  1. The blind man
  2. The word-swallower
  3. The expectorator
  4. The smashed bottle

I wonder if it's time to design a new tarot deck.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


$84.00!?!, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Hi, Mort!

Tyrone's Rug rectified

Tyrone's Rug rectified, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

$4.99 at Goodwill. A steal.


Mary, originally uploaded by dumbeast. front of Calzone's. Dream date! After dinner, we went to the Eureka Theater for a live performance of The Sound of Young America. Utterly elegant.

Olafur's ladder

Olafur's ladder, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

The monchrome room at "take your time"

Monday, January 14, 2008

Dandelion 2

Dandelion 2, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Dandelion 1

Dandelion 1, originally uploaded by dumbeast.


Keep, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Protecting us from the undead. Those chains are forged from kryptonite.


Harglebargle, originally uploaded by dumbeast.



Dolores, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Screen print by Jesus Barraza

"This poster was created to honor Dolores Huerta, who was co-founder of the UFW. She has been a very important leader in the Chicano Movement. I felt that it was important to make this image to honor her for her work and everything she contributed to the movement.

At ProArts Gallery, Oakland

Iya Kahn's Staff Car

Iya Kahn's Staff Car, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

USB Drive with Keeper

USB Drive with Keeper, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

I was sure I'd lose the cap for this dongle, so I made a little string keeper for it.


Tools, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

New knife & USB drive. They're both ever so handy! Thanks, Mary!!


Allegory, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

R.I.P. Max the Cat

R.I.P. Max the Cat, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

He was a really good guy. Bye, kitty.

Friday, January 11, 2008


PAEDAY & ASTRO erased, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

9th St, SF. Original tags here.

Feels Like Fire

Feels Like Fire, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

at Mamabuzz, Oakland. Check out Feels Like Fire on myspace.

JAUT" erased

JAUT" erased, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Market St betw 8th & 9th. Original tag here.

Vanishing Blue Sky & Jet

Vanishing Blue Sky & Jet, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Hillary Prefers Both

Hillary Prefers Both, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Oakland, 13th St betw Jackson & Madison. I saw this on the night of the New Hampshire Pr-z-z-z-z-zzzzzzzzzzz Oops. I guess I nodded off there. The New Hampshire Presidential Primary.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Stage set for Speed-the-Plow

Stage set for Speed-the-Plow, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

I think that Mamet's supposed to be good. I just don't get it.

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