brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Big Blue Mofo

Big Blue Mofo, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Harrison at 14th St

Wall Without Grafitti

Wall Without Grafitti, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

14th St betw Franklin & Harrison


Warped, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Reflection in sign. 14th St betw Broadway & Franklin

Tree in a Blanket

Tree in a Blanket, originally uploaded by dumbeast.


Beisbol, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Oakland A's vs i Jays Blu de Torino

Stadium Chiaroscuro

Stadium Chiaroscuro, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Hi, Jim!

Will Call

Will Call, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

At McAfee Stadium. They didn't have the tickets.

Monday, August 27, 2007

State of Mind

State of Mind, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

This BART car looks like I felt.

Katie & Ted at Jupiter

Katie & Ted at Jupiter, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

First Eastbay HAPsters get together. Not pictured: Julie, Jeremy, JT & his friends, Megan. Also not pictured your photographer, who geeked right out and had to leave suddenly.

Social Ineptitude Dysphoria Syndrome. Shucks. I could git me some SSI.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Gum Surgery

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Baby Garafalo SS Card signed

Baby Garafalo SS Card signed, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Signed, and forwarded to the mothership.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Baby Garafalo's Social Security Card

Unsigned version.

Truck Driving Dog

Truck Driving Dog, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Attributed to Dave Attell, via Mike Zaugg:

Sure, man. You take a dog, give him a hat and sunglasses, he could totally drive a truck. No prob.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Richly Appointed Digs

Richly Appointed Digs, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

The room was flawless. We really had a good time.

More Back Yard

More Back Yard, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Pretty frickin idyllic.

Back yard

Back yard, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Yes, that's a stand of corn there to the right.

Bike Ride

Bike Ride, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

...through the vineyards. Nothing wrong with that.

To the Pampertron

To the Pampertron, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Mary on her way to the spa

Bruce at the Pool

Bruce at the Pool, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Photo by Mary Foran

Back Porch

Back Porch, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Photo by Mary Foran


Mary, originally uploaded by dumbeast.


Plumbing, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Pipes hooked up to a geyser.

Tip, Shades, Hat

Tip, Shades, Hat, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

At Hydro Grill

Poodle Springs

Poodle Springs, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Actually, Indian Springs, Calistoga. Mort & Babs would have liked it here. Hilda & Herb, too, for that matter.

Succulents & Straws

Succulents & Straws, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Bruce in Fort Ross

Bruce in Fort Ross, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Photo by Mary Foran


Jay, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Who does your hair?!?

Baby wrens

Baby wrens, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Their nest is in the building that shelters the ice machine at the Fort Ross Lodge


Harvestman, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Outside our room at the Ft Ross Lodge.

Checking Me Out

Checking Me Out, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

This vulture was definitely interested in determining whether I was viable. He hung in the air between me and the sun for a good long while. This, of course, forced me into a 'Phil Morgan gambit' of remaining very very still. I didn't fool nobody, though.

Look Alive

Look Alive, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Here comes a vulture.

Scenic Overview

Scenic Overview, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Out on the bluff at the Ft Ross Lodge.

Ice Plants

Ice Plants, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Out on the bluff, where I'd gone to commune with the natural world.

Kid with Metal Detector

Kid with Metal Detector, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

...which I think he's now using as an imaginary bass guitar. That's one strange kid, boy.

Deceased Marine Mammal Treasure Hunt

IMG_1890, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Once he had the body nudged over a couple feet, he went and got his metal detector, and began to scan the cadaver.

Levering the Corpse of a Seal

Levering the Corpse of a Seal, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

This kid was on the beach at Shelter Cove. He was pretty focused on moving that carcass.

Eucalyptus Topology

Eucalyptus Topology, originally uploaded by dumbeast.


Jay, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Outside our room at the Ft Ross Lodge.


Jays, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Outside our room at the Ft Ross Lodge.


Jay, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Outside our room at the Ft Ross Lodge.


Fawns, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Outside our room at the Ft Ross Lodge.

Eria Los Potrillos

Eria Los Potrillos, originally uploaded by dumbeast.

Petaluma. Good al Pastor.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Diet Coke & Mentos with Damon

Damon's innovative drop & nozzle technology is tested for the first time.

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