"Hiring Bruce Bortin is Obviously the Smartest Thing I Could Possibly Do"

Looking for a job in a law office.
Big thanks to the stars:
Tom Drohan
Cathy Mosbrucker
Lynne-Rachel Altman
Daniel Reilly
Alex Green
Friends Brave and True.
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Looking for a job in a law office.
Big thanks to the stars:
Tom Drohan
Cathy Mosbrucker
Lynne-Rachel Altman
Daniel Reilly
Alex Green
Friends Brave and True.
I've been wondering what happened to this guy.
14th & Harrison, Oakland
...if used latex gloves are your idea of a good time...
Jasckson Lake Apartments, Oakland, CA
I'm looking for a job. In a law office. I figure I've been helping my friends out with my mad copy editing skillz for about a decade now, why not get some beaucoup benefits?
So in addition to my straight resume, I'm working on a movie. Here's a quick slash at one segment.
I spent all day cutting this footage that's going to go into a larger video. This is a small stand-alone piece, a sketch, just so I'd have something to show for today's work.
Installation by Lynne-Rachel Altman
Music by the Hot Latkes Klezmer Band
Quick & dirty solution to the problem of how to make Hokusai's wave appear to break. Just a few minutes with morph application. No big whoop.
Now let's project it onto some ice. Or a lot of monofilament.
Alison stood quietly outside the rent board meeting with a sign on an easel. She may have been thinking about waves breaking; Hokusai crossfades.
by Amal & Dad
From Santa Barbara, Christmas 2005
Starring Amal Bhavnani
Kum-Kum Bhavnani
John Foran (as Dad)
and featuring
Cerina Bhavnani (as The Kid)