From Staff Meeting
Ex coll. L Chiera
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Mary took me out for a pedicure for our anniversary. I’d never been. Lord knows my feet could use some attention. My operator, Cindy, met what must have been quite a challenge with good humor.
This is in the iridescent foot-tub where you soak your feet while sitting in your spa-chair. Don’t worry, you can ask them to turn off the massage feature on your spa-chair. There was lots of cutting and filing and pushing and scraping and much abrasive scrubbing. All in all, it was a little more sensation than I’m comfortable with.
So smooth! So pampered! My feet can’t believe that they’re a part of me anymore. “What,” they wonder, “are we doing carrying this fat slob around?”
Afterward we went out to Los Cantaros for a bite. I like stucco the wall outside when the light’s right.
Morning sunlight reflects off the horizontal bar, is refracted through the vertical pendulum. Here’s how it looks on the wall opposite.
LP Specials/Especiales / 156. TILAPIA (Mojarra)Looks good. Mystery solved. But I think I’ll have the torta de pollo instead, gracias.
Served with Rice, Beans, Tortillas and Salsa