...from the Green Party
brucine (broo'-seen), 1) n. Pharm., Chem. a bitter, poisonous alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, obtained from the nux vomica tree; 2) n. Bruce Bortin's 'low-impact' weblog
Sunday, July 31, 2005
A paper mache piñata that I made for Al's birthday party. The image is taken from one of those paintings that Al claims isn't a self portrait.
Not a Self Portrait of (by) Al Green
This is the painting that I used for the face on the paper mache piñata that I made for Al's birthday party.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Slow narrative still #2
Another shot from the new video piece. I like to think of it as a video, or cinematic if you will version of the Closet Music of Erik Satie. As medienaesthetik (translated by babelfish) so fulsomely puts it--
Saties music is not colored. Their "white one" comes off by the absence of chromatisierter Harmonik. It is unwagnerisch. A church-clay-like music built up from preformed components must be even anti- tristianisch and unneurotisch, it is rather kloesterlich, sex-free.
Exactly what I was shooting for.
Slow narrative still #1
I'm working on a very boring video right now. It's footage that I shot earlier this month in Oregon, just some tripod shots of Fort Creek at dawn.
In which nearly nothing at all happens.
And I've slowed down the time 400%.
I find it very soothing to have on in the background, and I love the sound. Although it seems like I've always got to pee.
New Rug
Mary & I went to Noe Valley today to pick out her new birthday rug.
37 x 38"
Pearl, Plastic Wolverine, John
John's visiting for the weekend. Pearl and 'Reenie are permenent fixtures
Friday, July 29, 2005
Endless War
You know those magnetic "Support Our Troops" ribbons that people stick on the back of their car? Well, I don't have a car, but whenever I rent one, I always feel like I oughta have a ribbon, too. If you take two of the ribbons and overlap them, they make an infinity sign. Hmmm.
This is version 2, with some tweaking of the image, notably incorporating Tom's suggestion of making the ribbon into a möbius strip.
FASTSIGNS Oakland will print these up for me on 4.75 x 29" stickybacked vinyl for $13.50 apiece if I order ten of them. Who wants to buy one? Who that reads this blog has a car?
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Cloak of Anonymity
Proposed prop for the TV show that a friend of mine wants to produce, "Anarchists Sit Around Talking". It's a big hollow over-the-head paper-mache mask in the form of an anarchist bomb, with a fuse and eyeholes.
Because some anarchists like to not be imaged too closely.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Went to the A's game today with Mary, Cathy, Tom & Gayle. They think that baseball is fascinating.
Not me, though. I find it b-o-r-i-n-g, but in a relaxing, pleasurable way. I listened to some podcasts and took some (boring) pictures.Figured that if I stacked up a bunch of the photos that I took, they might be less boring.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Endless War
You know those magnetic "Support Our Troops" ribbons that people stick on the back of their car? Well, I don't have a car, but whenever I rent one, I always feel like I oughta have a ribbon, too. If you take two of the ribbons and overlap them, they make an infinity sign. Hmmm.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
My contribution to Marc Horowitz' National Dinner Tour weblog
That Marc's alright. Struggle struggle.
...deep misgivings about the potential for the government to abuse the law by going on "fishing expeditions" and ... South Bay Rep. Jane Harman, D-El Segundo, ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee is worried... the potential for abuses under the Patriot Act...
Yeah, well, I heard her on the radio, and I'm pretty sure she said "fisting expeditions."
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Scan Notebook001
Cathy scanned this page of my notebook and mailed it to me. How it got to be mirror-reversed is anybody's guess. Unless Cathy's just fucking with me.... Hmmmm.
Thu July 21
I would like 2 pollo
asado tacos with a
side of guacamole on
my tostitos.
Jim sent me a bunch
of fractal stuff. Oboy.
Got any crank? A beef
Clean table. Ween
BART to city
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Mighty Alex Conquers the Picture Wire
Yesterday, Al, Adam & I hung six of Al's paintings in the Jury Assembly Room on the 3rd floor of the
Oakland Municipal CourtThe opening's tonight at 6:00.
661 Washington Street
Oakland, CA 94607-3986.
See you there!
Mandela Ladders
Newly installed earthquake memorial by Katherine Keefer & Steve Gillman at 14th St & Mandela Parkway in Oakland
Susan & Erin
Our neighbors at the Crater Lake Resort. Richard sez you never talk to anybody else at the campground. Richard is no dum-dum.
Dink's Market, Crescent Junction, OR
Screwing with this
cops wont be called--Ill see
How well you can swim with
concrete Blocks on your ankles
Mr Judge Judy Pie
I've seen Fritz Dreisbach blow glass. I've seen Harry Knorr turn a bowl. I've seen Miroslav Stalavski cut glass. I've seen Don Reitz throw a pot. And now I've seen Cathy Mosbrucker make a pie.
Peach & blueberry. I think she invented that. It's really tasty.
Attractive Obstruction
At the Rogue River in Grants Pass, OR. There's this little park, see, and right when you get to the river there's a sad little fence, but there's well-worn paths on either side of it, and no signs or anything. The paths lead down to the river. Everybody goes there. Problem is, the paths are lined with poison ivy.
I asked a parkworker about it. "Oh, yeah, them kids, they go down there and have their fun. They don't think it's so much fun the next week, though!"
As we were leaving the park, this guy in the parking lot started chanting at us, quasi-under-his-breath:
Back to California, Back to California, Back to California, Back to California...
Welcome to Oregon.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Clarissa & her sword
From "Pirate Mothers of the Carribean"
I wonder if that tooth is still in there. Not for long!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Diptych Rusticum
Two paintings side by side. Alright!
I think that the dappled light works well with the paintings.
Al with Painting
Somewhere out behind Tilden.
Al had a notion that he'd like to see his paintings out in the Berkeley hills, where he's spent so much of his life running. So we backpacked five of his canvases out there today; shot some photos and a little bit of video.
My Blog List
101 projects: Belly of the Beast - You cant fight/write your way out of the belly of the beast with sharp language and strong leadership–it takes a cacophony: different voices speakin in ton...5 years ago
Where Does Technology Belong and Where Does It Not? - Katya and dog, outdoors, playing. Recently I began nannying for an eight-year old girl named Katya. She and I spend HOURS playing “make believe”, dinners...11 years ago
On Adopting - People often ask me whether it wasn’t hard adopting in France at the age of 50. No, I reply. It was much easier than waiting 30 years for a man to agree to...9 years ago
Velouté de champignons - Let’s see off the winter with a bowl of creamy mushroom soup, a classic French recipe lightened in this version by using a mixture of cream and milk instea...3 days ago
Day 8 - Kendal to Carlisle - We started the day standing at a bus stop just north of Kendal and two slightly older women joined us to catch the 555 to Keswick. Then suddenly, and in a ...15 years ago
Blog Archive
- Piñata Sequence
- Piñata
- Not a Self Portrait of (by) Al Green
- Slow narrative still #2
- Slow narrative still #1
- Telephone Pole
- Jack Face
- Trout
- Dollywood
- New Rug
- Pearl, Plastic Wolverine, John
- Pearl
- Ray
- Endless War
- Cloak of Anonymity
- Stack'o'Beisbol
- Sesame Seeds
- Yahrzeit
- Endless War
- Al
- Crazy-Eyez Killah
- Life is Terrific
- Brain2
- House to Take Up Patriot Act Extension- Jul 22, 20...
- Julia 01
- Scan Notebook001
- Kitania & Birgitta
- Mighty Alex Conquers the Picture Wire
- Sign
- Mandela Ladders
- Susan & Erin
- Bruce & Mary
- Mary at Crater Lake Resort
- Catch & Release
- Dink's Market, Crescent Junction, OR
- Wash Your Hands In The Toilet!
- Florence Beach
- Mr Judge Judy Pie
- Mr Teddy
- Mr Stripey Legs
- Mr Khaki Pants
- Attractive Obstruction
- Railroad Days, Dunsmuir
- Bruce on the Choo-Choo
- Mary in the Choo-Choo
- Clarissa & her sword
- Raffi & her sword
- Diptych Rusticum
- Al with Painting
- Buddy
- Peanut
- David & Peanut
- Alte Kockers
- Mel Vapour wishes you Peace. He's one of the good ...
- Amalia
- Kitania Explains the Monkey Butt
- Kitania Investigates the Monkey Butt
- Bruce at the Casino
- Mary at the trout stream
- Cloud
- Puffball